Core Competencies

  • Operationally define the difference between behavioral sport psychology and sport psychology.

  • Identify effective behavior analytic coaching methods that have been used in their sport of interest

  • Successfully create behavior analytic versions of assessments and surveys used in sports psychology

  • Create a sport specific training plan identifying targets and goals

  • Visually display behavioral coaching competencies through recorded segments of a training session (for Sports Certificate seekers)

  • Successfully pass 20 question written quiz (for Sports Certificate seekers only)

Course Curriculum

Take your game to the next level

  • Week 1: Assessments

    We warm-up by approaching assessments from a skill, psychological, and behavioral perspective. Students will be introduced to many assessment tools for their arsenal.

  • Week 2: Focused Practice

    Practice is the most important method in preparing athletes and teams; however, efficiency is underutilized by many coaches due to a lack of specificity and focus within their practice routine. Students will gain a new perspective on how to maximize practice through the seven dimensions of applied behavior analysis.

  • Week 3: In Game/Post Game Analysis

    We have gathered all of the statistics, but how do we make adjustments during competition and how do we correct the mistakes our athletes made after we reviewed the film? Students will learn how to examine game statistics with their own pinpointed behaviors to unravel trends based on existing conditions and variables in competition.

  • Week 4: Ethical Considerations of Practice within Sports Coaching & Introduction to Sports OBM

    First, a lively discussion on ethical sports coaching practices and how it looks for the ABA professional; then, we end with an introduction to how OBM works in sports at the highest level, while examining peer reviewed research that is applicable to those stakeholders.

  • Week 5: Guest Speaker


  • Week 6: Guest Speaker


Course Details

You have questions, TeamABA University has the answers

  • The course is 6 consecutive weeks starting Monday April 8th, 2024

  • Live lectures on the course material will be held every Monday from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. EST. Lectures will be recorded for view at anytime in the student portal. There is no requirement to attend the live lectures.

  • There will be 15 total BACB© CEUs: (2) supervision, (1.5) ethics, and (11.5) learning, upon completion of the course without final competency testing.

  • Students will have the option of completing the full course certificate requirements by: (1) demonstrating core competency through supervisor observation and (2) successfully passing a 20-question exam. There is no requirement to seek the TeamABA Behavioral Sport Psychology Certificate. Upon navigating the course and turning in weekly exercises, students will receive the CEU Certificate.

  • Full refunds are available from the time of registration to the end of the first three days of class


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